Solar information

Residential Solar System

We started our business with the support of our retail customers. We treat each and every installation is a unique way to ensure that any systems that we installed, the customer will received the best of care for their system. With more than 3000 residential systems under our portfolio and over 8,000,000 Watt installed for our customers. We are proud to say to our customers that you have a peace of mind when installing with us.

Commercial Solar System

We have experience in lots of different type of Solar Commerical Projects. This ranges from small business, factory, hotels, pubs, council and many more. With Solar commercial, we not only provide you with the system installation, but we also provide you a free advise and ensuring your project has the best investment return. Our commercial systems are have an average investment return of 18-25%. Therefore, we have complete satisfaction from our customers which will refer us to further business in the future.

Industry Best Practice

When we install your solar system. First and foremost, we do not outsource to other company. Most of our staffs been with us since the inception of our company. We apply industry best practice to ensure that you won’t get any surprises with shonky jobs and doggie installer.

With Industry best practice, our company have the following safety guard:

  1. Electrican License (Level 1 & Level 2) – We do our own metering.
  2. CEC License (Design and install) – We design
  3. Sub-Contractor License – This is only used when we have larger project. Our main installer will verify and check all the workmanship before signing off.
  4. We are CEC (Clean Energy Council) Member since 2010.
  5. We are authorize as a government REC agents (We have our own REC agency and we create our own rebate).

Equipment Approval

All of our solar system are approved by CEC for your peace of mind. In solar industry, we are tightly regulated by the government to ensure safety and we do not cause any fire hazard or electrical fault. All of our equipment are rigorously tested under the Australian Climate to ensure it perform to match you expectation and for its long-term warranty. We will ensure that all of the system that we supplied would obtain an Australian approval before we install on your property.

Government Rebates

There are currently generous government rebate on the solar system that pay up to 40% of your solar System. For small scale installation ( < 100 Kilowatt System). The government give rebates through the create of STC (Small Technology Certificate). Below is the estimate of government rebate that available for small scale system (Assumed STC price: $38/STC)